Terms of Use and Contact

Welcome to the Fair-Credit Baseball Website (hereafter FCB).  This site was created by Prof. Michael McBride of the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine, with the generous support of Steve and Linda Borowski and the help of several others.


The purpose of FCB is to promote the FCB Statistics. It is an educational tool and resource meant to improve the appreciation of the sport of baseball.  Specifically, the FCB Website:

  • Instructs users of the site on how to use and understand the FCB Statistics.
  • Provides short articles about the FCB Statistics.
  • Makes available for viewing and downloading pre-calculated FCB Statistics for Major League Baseball Games.


Users of FCB Website and the FCB Statistics are welcome to enjoy the content of this website.  Users are also allowed to reproduce and republish FCB Statistics as long as they give explicit recognition to the FCB Website.

By accessing this website, you agree that the data are owned by Michael McBride and that the FCB Website–including the FCB statistics–may be updated at any time without notice. Updates may be made to improve accessibility, add new content and features, and provide updated and improved statistical calculations. The FCB Website is not a for-profit operation but is instead maintained by volunteers. A reasonable attempt will be made to keep the FCB Website operational, but technical difficulties may occur that result in interruptions to FCB Website’s operations. You agree that the creators of the FCB Website are not liable for any direct or indirect consequence resulting from the interruption of operations of the FCB Website.

The guiding principle of the FCB Website is open access. With that principle in mind, the FCB statistics are provided free of charge for viewing and download to users of the FCB Website.

Users may:

  • View and download the FCB statistics free of charge.
  • Share the data from the FCB Website with others.
  • Use the FCB statistics in their own research and writing as long as they cite that the FCB statistics they use were obtained from the FCB Website.
  • Use the FCB statistics when teaching as long as how the FCB Website is cited as the source for the statistics.

Users may not:

  • Alter the FCB Website.
  • Sell, rent, or lease rights to the FCB Website.
  • Use the FCB Website for illegal purposes.
  • Impersonate or misrepresent an affiliation with the FCB Website.
  • Attempt to interfere with the FCB Website.
  • Post content to the FCB Website that (i) includes any profane, obscene, defamatory, discriminatory, threatening, menacing, harassing, or violent content; (ii) depicts or suggests nudity or sexual acts; (iii) promotes hatred, including against members of a protected group under federal, state, or local law; (iv) is objectively shocking or disgusting; (v) depicts or suggests presently occurring illegal activity, including, e.g., illicit drug use or underage drinking; (vi) includes unlicensed proprietary content of a third party, including, e.g., third-party content protected by copyright or trademark for which you do not have a license; (vii) breaches any duty of confidentiality you may have to a third party (e.g., discloses private information about a third party without consent); or (viii) is contrary to these terms.

    These terms of use may be changed or updated at any time by the FCB Website without notice. Use of the FCB Website implies that you are aware of the latest terms of use.


    Users who have questions may contact Prof. McBride at mcbride@uci.edu.